Mohammed Amelougou's profileHamza Ouaziz's profile


"The environment where you thrive."

Okolis is a co-working space with innovative concepts. The name "Okolis" is inspired by the Croatian language, meaning "environment".

We're committed to creating a comprehensive environment through the design of a versatile workspace. Our primary focus is on utilizing eco-friendly materials, with a special emphasis on those that have been repurposed and recycled. Furthermore, we've integrated expansive green spaces throughout the premises, cultivating an atmosphere of natural tranquility and heightened productivity. This holistic approach not only amplifies the visual appeal but also champions a sustainable and energizing work environment for everyone.

The focus during brand building was on creating sub-identities for each specialization to facilitate individual loyalty and enhance teamwork spirit.
We also emphasized linking these sub-identities with a strong and flexible core identity.

Brand naming · Visual Identity . Motion design

Clubs stand out as a pivotal feature within co-working space.
The co-working space is strategically divided into dedicated sections, catering to distinct target groups like designers and programmers.
Our mission is to establish a unique sub-identity for each club, connected to the main identity of Okolis. by distinguishing it with its colors, with an icon cleverly linked to the main logo.

Visual identity: Mohammed Amelougou
Motion design: Hamza ouaziz
Client: Okolis
Location: Morocco

Let's make something great together



Okolis is a co-working space with innovative concepts. The name "Okolis" is inspired by the Croatian language, meaning "environment". We're comm Read More
